
About Marta


Marta was born in 2017.

After delays reaching milestones she was diagnosed with CHAMP1 at 2 years old.


Marta however carried on making progress and began trying to walk not long after this.

At first she didn’t bend her knees and was very stiff. Which made walking on the uneven ground difficult and resulted in a lot of falls.

Over time with help and perseverance her balance slowly improved and 3 months later she was walking independently.


CHAMP1 also resulted in Marta needing dental work while she was 2 with a dentist having to rebuild 4 teeth. Marta to this day still has regular dental check-ups to keep on top of any problems.


Marta started a mainstream kindergarten/school at the age of 3.



Marta is now 6 and a half years old.

She is able to communicate using gestures as her skills are still developing. She has been having language therapy for 2-3 years.

Despite all challenges she has faced and being unable to read, write or draw she is an affectionate, sweet and happy little girl.

Everybody around her loves her!


Marta likes music, food, animals and being outside, she is always the first one out the door.

She also enjoys playing with dolls and spending time with her older brother Eduardo.

Marta nació en 2017, tiene un hermano, Eduardo, nacido en 2014.


A los 2 años le diagnosticaron Champ1.

Empezó a caminar a los 2 años y 3 meses, muy lentamente.

No caminaba de rodillas, estaba y está muy rígida, le costó mucho aprender a caminar en el suelo con piedras o baches, se caía mucho, no tenía nada de equilibrio, siempre necesita ayuda. .


A los 2 años y 2 meses el dentista tuvo que reconstruir 4 dientes, siempre tuvo problemas dentales, siempre vamos a chequeos.

Comenzó el jardín de infantes a los 3 años en una escuela normal, todavía tiene problemas para orinar, todavía no puede controlarlo bien.

Ahora tiene 6 años y medio, no habla muy bien, hace 2-3 años que la evalúan en lenguaje, pero se hace entender mediante gestos.

¡Todos la quieren mucho, es muy dulce!


Le gusta la música, la comida y cualquier tipo de salida, cuando se trata de ir a algún lugar ella es la primera en salir.

No sabe escribir, leer ni dibujar, ¡pero es la niña más feliz del mundo!

Juega mucho con muñecas, ama los animales y es muy cariñosa!

Marta  s-a născut în 2017, are un frate, Eduardo, născut în 2014.


La 2 ani a fost diagnosticat cu Champ1.

A inceput sa mearga la 2 ani si 3 luni, foarte incet.

Nu mergea in genunchi, era si este foarte rigida, i-a fost foarte greu sa invete sa mearga pe pamant cu pietre sau gropi, a cazut mult, nu avea deloc echilibru, are nevoie mereu de ajutor. . .


La 2 ani si 2 luni medicul dentist a trebuit sa reconstruiasca 4 dinti, a avut mereu probleme dentare, mergem mereu la controale.

A inceput gradinita la 3 ani intr-o scoala normala, inca are probleme cu urinarea, tot nu se poate controla bine.


Acum are 6 ani jumate, nu vorbeste prea bine, este evaluata la limbaj de 2-3 ani, dar se face inteleasa prin gesturi.

Toată lumea o iubește foarte mult, este foarte dulce!

Îi place muzica, mâncarea și orice tip de ieșire, când vine vorba de a merge undeva este prima care iese.

Nu știe să scrie, să citească sau să deseneze, dar este cea mai fericită fată din lume!

Se joacă foarte mult cu păpușile, iubește animalele și este foarte afectuoasă!

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